Monday, December 19, 2011

Moscow´s Circus on Ice in Jerez

AurigaCrown Car Hire offers their clients ideas on events and places to visit in Spain. Giving options for visits that are within easy reach with a rental car, nice routes, places to visit and from where to start. In this article some insights into the Circus on Ice show, Jerez and surroundings.

The birth of the first and so far only "Circus on Ice" in 1962 was a major international event. Its founder, Arnold Gregoryevich Arnold, was one of the most distinguished directors of the Soviet period. Having consolidated his experience working in music halls, circus, cinema, ballet and ballet on ice, he inspired his friends - the best choreographers, artists, composers, writers and teachers of the circus - with his new idea, and began his creative experiment in 1962. Two years of work by the production group, forty-seven artists debuted the first show of Circus on Ice on October 16, 1964. The crowd was amazed about the transformation of the usual genres of circus to skating techniques with surprising dynamics, presenting a very funny show with comedians and clowns
The first international tour went to Brussels in 1965 and was absolutely sensational!  Since this performance the art of circus on ice has gained worldwide recognition and has been occupying a place in the entertainment world.

Unfortunately A. Arnold worked with his first group for only 7 years and did not have the time to put into practice all his projects. But his followers further developed this new art class - the circus on ice.
Currently the group of the Moscow Circus on Ice continues to improve and enrich the art with new creative works based on the best traditions. The company is made up of over 60 artists and up to trained animals such as bears and monkeys on skates, can participate in their programs.

Teatro VillamartaPZ/ Pz.Romero Martínez S/N
11402 Jerez de la Frontera, Cadiz
Tel. 956 14 96 85
Fax. 956 14 90 60

Dates: Tuesday, January 3rd at 19.30 & Wednesday, January 4th at 17.00 and 20.30 hours.
Price: €15 - €30

Don´t miss this impressive presentation of the Circus on Ice! AurigaCrown Car Hire has office directly at the airport of Jerez de la Frontera. A rental car will easily take you to all destinations and sights worthwhile visiting in the surroundings of Jerez. Apart from the spectacular ballet, you can enjoy the city of Jerez, the beautiful beaches of Cadiz, the national parks  and a much more. For more information on car rentals, fleet, offices and/or prices, please visit AurigaCrown´s website.

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