Friday, November 25, 2011

Young art in Alicante

AurigaCrown Car Hire offers their clients ideas on different events and places to visit during their stay in Spain. In this article some insights into Alicante and the Young Artists Competition Exhibition.

In order to promote and encourage the creativity of young people in Alicante in the area of painting, the cultural sector Ambitocultural of Alicante and the Corte Ingles invite to join ¨ArteJoven¨, Alicante´s Young Artists Competition Exhibition.

This contest is open to all novice painters younger than 30 years of age (accomplished in 2011). Participants must also be residents and native of the province of Alicante.

Each of the artists may submit up to two original works with free theme and procedure, but subject to a maximum size of 116 x 89cm and they should also be framed with 2cm wooden lath.

The works may be submitted until December 31st 2011, 20:00 at the department of paintings.

The jury will be composed of personalities from the artistic world and they shall give their criticism at the inauguration exhibition of the works chosen on February 2nd at the Ambito Cultural room at 19:30.

For more information visit the website of the Cultural Sector .
Date: every day until December 31st, 2011 at 10:00; opening exhibition on February 2nd at 19:30.
Location: Alicante, Avenida de Federico Soto 1, El Corte ingles.

A great opportunity for all young painters of the province of Alicante, do not miss it.

Participate in this art contest, visit the city of Alicante and to make your stay more enjoyable book a vehicle at AurigaCrown Car Hire, we have an office at Alicante airport.

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