Friday, September 23, 2011

XXXI International Jazz Festival of Granada

AurigaCrown Car Hire offers their clients ideas on different events and places to visit during their stay in Spain. In this article some insights into Granada and the annual International Jazz Festival organized in Granada in November 2011.

The International Jazz Festival of Granada - organized by the government of Andalusia, the city hall of Granada, the delegates of Granada, the Obra Social de CajaGranada, Cervezas Alhambra and the Granada Jazz Association, is one of the oldest and most important in Europe and only Spanish member of the European jazz festivals ¨Europe Jazz Network¨. Over the last thirty years, since the first festival in 1980, its history has run parallel to modern jazz and its leading figures, national and international, such as Miles Davis, Oscar Peterson, Charlie Haden, Art Blakey, Tete Montoliu , Dizzy Gillespie, Wayne Shorter, Herbie Hancock, Chano Domínguez and so on.

The presence of such names has created a true Granada jazz movement that has resulted in the creation of a stable big band, off sessions at various locations in the metropolitan area, seminars and publications, which promote contact and exchange of experiences among local musicians and foreigners.

During the festival there is a central programme of concerts held in the theatre Isabel La Católica, the Alhambra Theatre and the Isidoro Máiquez Theatre. Prices vary between 15 and 120 euros. Apart there is a parallel programme called ¨Jazz on the street¨ held at the Cerveza Alhambra stage. A true experience to be in Granada during the festival days.
Apart from the film festival, Granada has of course much more to offer, a lot of culture, beautiful nature etc. With your rental car, you have all options within easy reach. AurigaCrown has an office in Granada and at Granada Airport and all types of cars: from economic cars, family cars to 4x4s and luxury cars, AurigaCrown offers all options to provide you the car that suits you best. For more information on car rentals, fleet, offices and/or prices, please visit AurigaCrown´s website.

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