Friday, December 30, 2011

Marbella, an ideal destination

AurigaCrown Car Hire offers their clients ideas on different events and places to visit during their stay in Spain. In this article some insights into Marbella.

We all know that the port of Marbella does not have all the glamour that Puerto Banus has, but in the restaurants of Marbella you can enjoy a great fresh fish, and the promenade presents us with its sunny climate ideal for a walk at any time of the day.

If we move from downtown to the west will find the Golden Mile, which got its name because of the spectacular oceanfront homes, this area is recognized as one of the most valued in Europe.

In the Golden Mile can find a wide range of hotels, restaurants and renowned five-star hotels. Many celebrities such as King Fahd of Saudi Arabia, visit this area every year.

Marbella offers visitors a touch of elegance, and countless places to visit such as the ¨Casco Antiguo¨ -Marbella´s old city centre-, the Church of Santo Cristo de la Vera Cruz, the Chapel of Carlvario, the Villa Romana de Rio Verde, the cave of Nagüeles and numerous beaches like Playa de la Bajadilla, Playa del Fuerte, the Playa de la Fontanilla.

And if all this were not enough Marbella has a fantastic climate with 320 days of sunshine a year and temperatures around 19 º C, all thanks to its micro-climate, surrounded by the warm Mediterranean and the Sierra Blanca mountain range, that protects the city from climate changes. The winter as well as the summer in Marbella provide one of the most pleasant climates.

With one of our rental cars, you have all amenities within easy reach. AurigaCrown has an office in Marbella and at Malaga airport so you can pick up your car directly upon arrival. From economic to convertibles, luxury cars and 4x4s, AurigaCrown offers all options to provide you the car that suits you best. For more information on car rentals, fleet, offices and/or prices, please visit AurigaCrown´s website.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Celebrating Three Kings Day in Spain

AurigaCrown Car Hire offers their clients ideas on different events and places to visit during their stay in Spain. In this article some insights into the annual Three Kings celebration.

January 5th each year sees the celebration of Los Reyes Magos or the Three Kings and is a major event in any Spanish Childs Diary and is celebrated in almost every town.

The three king s celebration is basically a twist on Santa Claus, but then it is the three kings, Melchor, Gasper and Balthazar, who give the gifts. Although January 6th is when the children (and adults) receive their presents, the kings arrive the day before on January 5th which is celebrated in the afternoon with a colourful traditional parade through the city centres in Spain. Upon the arrival of the Three Kings (in the port if the city has one), they are first received and greeted by the Mayor. Then the procession leaves in the direction of the city centre.  The first main float is in the procession the postman – a Santa-esque figure with a long, white beard and ivory-coloured robes. He is followed by the kings, each with their own float, interspersed with various groups representing characters from famous movies, a local clown personality and marching bands. On the way the Three Kings are busy throwing out gifts, sweets and toys to the thousands of people who have lined the route.

These processions and celebrations are duplicated in every town and City in Spain with the largest and busiest parades being found in Madrid and Barcelona. In Madrid the procession makes its way from El Retiro Park and makes its way to Plaza Mayor. It is estimated that up to 7000 kilos of sweets are giving out in the Madrid Procession alone.

An day where you will see any Spanish towns crammed with people of all ages. Every able-bodied person jumped and yelled when a float came near, hoping they would be one of the lucky ones to get some kilograms of candy or gifts that are thrown out. A day where you can see the joy on all faces.

Don´t miss the Three Kings parade or ¨Cabalgata De Los Reyes Magos¨. To make your stay more comfortable hire your care with us. AurigaCrown has offices all over Spain and offers from economic and family cars up to luxury and 4x4s, AurigaCrown offers all options to provide you the car that suits you best. For more information on car rentals, fleet, offices and/or prices, please visit AurigaCrown´s website.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Visit Alicante at any time of year.

AurigaCrown Car Hire offers their clients ideas on different events and places to visit during their stay in Spain. In this article some insights into the popular destination: Alicante.

A good climate, picturesque streets, leisure and sports options.

Alicante is certainly a great destination to spend a mild winter, the city has mild temperatures throughout the year and about 3000 hours of sunshine a year!

If you visit Alicante you should certainly not miss a visit to one of its restaurants to enjoy the rich Valencian cuisine, enjoy some golf, water sports or simply a stroll through the streets and along its beautiful beaches.

Alicante is located in the southeast of Spain, directly at the Mediterranean Sea and because of the mild climate, you can make plans outside throughout the year. If you visit Alicante, make sure to stop by the marina, the stalls of La Rambla and the Avenida Maizonnave area, which is ideal for an afternoon of shopping.

This city also has museums and theatres for lovers of culture and art. If you want to enjoy Alicante´s monuments we recommend a visit to the old town and Barrio de Santa Cruz, in these areas you can truly meet the lifestyle of this part of Spain, you can also stroll through its white streets decorated with geraniums. We also recommend a visit to the Castillo de Santa Barbara, a great medieval fortress that has fantastic views, a great place to relax and enjoy...

If you prefer sports, we recommend Alicante´s nautical station, there you can enjoy many leisure options such as windsurfing, sailing, diving, scuba-diving or you can play some golf at one of its many golf courses. Alicante has it all in store; picturesque streets, a unique climate, a rich local cuisine and extensive leisure facilities.

Visit Alicante, and to make your stay more enjoyable book your vehicle in AurigaCrown Car Hire, we have an office right at the airport of Alicante.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Malaga Theatre Festival 2012

AurigaCrown Car Hire offers their clients ideas on different events and places to visit during their stay in Spain. Providing options for visits that are within easy reach with a rental car, nice routes, places to visit and from where to start. In this article some insights into the Malaga Theatre Festival and about the city and its surroundings.

The 24th edition of the Málaga Theatre Festival will feature four world premieres among the total of 13 shows they present, in addition to a monologue of Asunción Balaguer, classics like La Celestina and masked theatre.

For a month - from January 13th to February 11th 2012 - the Cervantes and Echegaray theatres in the capital will be the venues for a festival to be inaugurated with 'Macbeth' by Ur Theatre run by the new director of the National Classical Theatre Company, Helena Pimenta.

    The Panic Theatre of Fernando Arrabal, two works by El Brujo and the American Cirque Style will be other highlights of this event, which will feature performances in unusual spaces.  All complemented by parallel activities such as workshops, seminars and staged readings.

Apart from the Theatre Festival there is of course much more to enjoy in Malaga and surroundings. You can rent your car at AurigaCrown´s offices in Malaga next to the bus/train station or at the airport, and this way all nice places that surround Malaga are within easy reach. You can of course think of the beaches, the Jardines de la Concepción Gardens just outside Malaga, El Chorro and Sierra de las Nieves natural parks for beautiful hikes and other nice beach towns like Fuengirola and Marbella. Of course Malaga itself has a great cultural offer, museums (among other the Picasso Museum and birth house) and monuments.

For more information on car rentals, fleet, offices and/or prices, please visit AurigaCrown´s website.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Moscow´s Circus on Ice in Jerez

AurigaCrown Car Hire offers their clients ideas on events and places to visit in Spain. Giving options for visits that are within easy reach with a rental car, nice routes, places to visit and from where to start. In this article some insights into the Circus on Ice show, Jerez and surroundings.

The birth of the first and so far only "Circus on Ice" in 1962 was a major international event. Its founder, Arnold Gregoryevich Arnold, was one of the most distinguished directors of the Soviet period. Having consolidated his experience working in music halls, circus, cinema, ballet and ballet on ice, he inspired his friends - the best choreographers, artists, composers, writers and teachers of the circus - with his new idea, and began his creative experiment in 1962. Two years of work by the production group, forty-seven artists debuted the first show of Circus on Ice on October 16, 1964. The crowd was amazed about the transformation of the usual genres of circus to skating techniques with surprising dynamics, presenting a very funny show with comedians and clowns
The first international tour went to Brussels in 1965 and was absolutely sensational!  Since this performance the art of circus on ice has gained worldwide recognition and has been occupying a place in the entertainment world.

Unfortunately A. Arnold worked with his first group for only 7 years and did not have the time to put into practice all his projects. But his followers further developed this new art class - the circus on ice.
Currently the group of the Moscow Circus on Ice continues to improve and enrich the art with new creative works based on the best traditions. The company is made up of over 60 artists and up to trained animals such as bears and monkeys on skates, can participate in their programs.

Teatro VillamartaPZ/ Pz.Romero Martínez S/N
11402 Jerez de la Frontera, Cadiz
Tel. 956 14 96 85
Fax. 956 14 90 60

Dates: Tuesday, January 3rd at 19.30 & Wednesday, January 4th at 17.00 and 20.30 hours.
Price: €15 - €30

Don´t miss this impressive presentation of the Circus on Ice! AurigaCrown Car Hire has office directly at the airport of Jerez de la Frontera. A rental car will easily take you to all destinations and sights worthwhile visiting in the surroundings of Jerez. Apart from the spectacular ballet, you can enjoy the city of Jerez, the beautiful beaches of Cadiz, the national parks  and a much more. For more information on car rentals, fleet, offices and/or prices, please visit AurigaCrown´s website.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Exposicion Primitives The golden age of Portuguese painting 1450-1550 in Valencia

AurigaCrown Car Hire offers their clients ideas on different events and places to visit during their stay in Spain. In this article some insights into Valencia and the exposition on the golden age of Portuguese painting.

The exposition ¨Primitive. The golden age of Portuguese painting. 1450-1550¨ aims to raise awareness for Portuguese painting on canvas of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. The exhibition includes a selection of 48 works from various collections of the neighbouring country, among which are some of the most beautiful altarpieces of the period, along with other less known works.

At this exposition, we witness the birth of the modern Portuguese art at its most original expression: oil painting on canvas. In the Age of the Discoveries, these artists were able to translate - with high technical quality and visual inventiveness full of charm - this new world of adventures and conquests, in which Portugal interrupts the international panorama with unprecedented energy.

Masters like Nuno Gonçalves, Graô Vasco, Jorge Afonso or Cristóvão de Figueiredo elaborated mostly  religious themes. But although describing heaven or hell, their stories are found in earthly scenes inhabited by humanity. Their richness is driven by the narrative fantasy, the realism of the faces and the taste for anecdotes, offal, objects, ornaments ...

Organized by the National Museum of Ancient Art in Lisbon and the Museum Association of San Gregorio, it is a reference exhibition as it is the first time that the early Portuguese are presented outside their own country.

We can enjoy this exposition at the Museum of Fine Arts in Valencia, an excellent selection of these paintings of our neighbouring country. Of course here we can also see the museum´s exceptional collection of Gothic and Renaissance paintings from Valencia. We must not forget also that much of the period covered by this amazing exposition, titled  ¨The golden age of Portuguese painting 1450-1550¨ is exactly the  period of greatest cultural wealth in our history, both in the arts and literature, also known as "The Valencian Golden Age".

It is a unique opportunity to directly compare differences and similarities between what was done in both kingdoms or collate the various sources of influence from other cultures, you will surely discover new and interesting aspects looking from a scientific point of view .

Dates: 2 November 2011 - January 8, 2012
Venue: Museo de Bellas Artes Pio V Valencia, Sala Joanes
San Pio V, 9 - 46010 Valencia
Curators: Jose Alberto Seabra Carvalho (deputy director of the National Museum of Ancient Art in Lisbon) and Joaquim Oliveira Caetano (painting conservative National Ancient Art Museum of Lisbon)
Organized by: Ministry of Culture. Generalitat Valenciana
Apart from the exposition there is of course a lot more to enjoy in and around Valencia: the beaches, nature parks, the old city centre, more musuems, etc. All is within easy reach with your rental car. AurigaCrown Car Hire conveniently has an office directly at Valencia airport, reserve your car with us and enjoy this great tournament and the surroundings of Valencia.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Experience the Migas Festival in Torrox (Malaga)

AurigaCrown Car Hire offers their clients ideas on different events and places to visit during their stay in Spain. Providing options for visits that are within easy reach with a rental car, nice routes, places to visit and from where to start. In this article some cultural tips when visiting Malaga, the Axarquia and the Torrox Migas Festival.

Every year, on the last Sunday before Christmas, many visitors come to the beautiful, whitewashed town of Torrox, near Malaga, to join the typical Christmas celebration. In Torrox that means 2000 kilos of flour, 500 litres of olive oil and small pieces of chorizo in order to make ¨Fried Breadcrumbs¨ that are cooked in huge cauldrons at the main square.

There are lots of the local ´migas´ to try, served free, together with a glass of local wine and a tapa. There is music, dancing, a great ambience to get to know this typical Andalusian peasant dish.
When: 18 Dec 2011 (annual)
Where: Torrox (Malaga)
Cost: Free
Opening Hours: From 11.30am

Torrox  is situated in the beautiful region of the Axarquia in Andalusia, about 45km from Malaga city. A picturesque place that lies on the scenic Route of Sun and Wine, which follows a route of towns and villages in the Axarquia in a landscape of sun and vineyards.

The town is located just 4 kilometres inland and is a popular tourist destination during the summer for those looking to stay in more traditional surroundings, yet be close to the attractions of the more modern Torrox Costa.

The Axarquía is excellent for hiking and several companies now run walking holidays. Horse trekking is also very popular here. The landscape is riven by deep valleys lined with terraces and irrigation channels that date back to Muslim times.

The area enjoys a typically Andalusian climate, being very hot during the summer and temperate during the winter. The residents enjoy around 2,800 hours of annual sunshine.

All in all a great place to enjoy some typical dishes, sun and beautiful surroundings. You can conveniently rent your car directly upon arrival at Malaga airport or next to Malaga train station and easily get there. For more information on our fleet, offices and/or prices, please visit AurigaCrown´s website.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Young art in Alicante

AurigaCrown Car Hire offers their clients ideas on different events and places to visit during their stay in Spain. In this article some insights into Alicante and the Young Artists Competition Exhibition.

In order to promote and encourage the creativity of young people in Alicante in the area of painting, the cultural sector Ambitocultural of Alicante and the Corte Ingles invite to join ¨ArteJoven¨, Alicante´s Young Artists Competition Exhibition.

This contest is open to all novice painters younger than 30 years of age (accomplished in 2011). Participants must also be residents and native of the province of Alicante.

Each of the artists may submit up to two original works with free theme and procedure, but subject to a maximum size of 116 x 89cm and they should also be framed with 2cm wooden lath.

The works may be submitted until December 31st 2011, 20:00 at the department of paintings.

The jury will be composed of personalities from the artistic world and they shall give their criticism at the inauguration exhibition of the works chosen on February 2nd at the Ambito Cultural room at 19:30.

For more information visit the website of the Cultural Sector .
Date: every day until December 31st, 2011 at 10:00; opening exhibition on February 2nd at 19:30.
Location: Alicante, Avenida de Federico Soto 1, El Corte ingles.

A great opportunity for all young painters of the province of Alicante, do not miss it.

Participate in this art contest, visit the city of Alicante and to make your stay more enjoyable book a vehicle at AurigaCrown Car Hire, we have an office at Alicante airport.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The Havana String Quartet at the Villamarta Theatre in Jerez

AurigaCrown Car Hire offers their clients ideas on events and places to visit in Spain. Giving options for visits that are within easy reach with a rental car, nice routes, places to visit and from where to start. In this article some insights into the classical music concert of the Havana String Quartet, Jerez and its surroundings.

The Havana String Quartet is composed of Yamir Portuondo (1st Violin), Eugenio Valdés (2 nd Violin), Jorge Hernandez (Viola) and Deborah Yamak (Cello), the quartet was founded in 1980 by the initiative of maestro Leo Brouwer, with the primary aim of tackling the Latin American chamber music repertoire and to spread the international contemporary literature.

In their resume, collaborations with leading interpreters of the music world, take up a preeminent place. Some examples are: Leo Brouwer, Elliot Fisk, Pepe Romero and Javier Perianes, making flamenco with "El Pele" and Latin jazz with the Buena Vista Social Club.

Their diverse repertoire ranges from Haydn, Mozart, Dvorak and Ravel to Toon de Leeuw, I.Lang, Webern, Barce, Villa-Rojo and T. Marco. It shows, however, a natural preference to Latin American authors such as Revueltas, Ginastera, Villa-Lobos, Manuel Enriquez and Garrido-Leca.

The Havana  String Quartet, holder of the Interpretive Master Award, at the  Chamber Music Festival of Havana 1987, made records for the Cuban firm EGREM and for radio and television in European, Asian and Latin American countries.
L. Brouwer (Quartet No. 4, Quartet No. 3), H. Villa-Lobos (Quartet No. 1), I.Alderete (Quartet of colours), Ch. Buarque, V. Parra, A. Piazzola, R. Hernandez (popular suite for quartet)

Location: Villamarta Theatre
Plaza Romero Martinez, s/n
Jerez de la Frontera
Tel.: 956 149 685
Date:  16/12/2011
Time: 20:00
Ticket prices: 18 euro

Don´t miss this concert of the Havana String Quartet! AurigaCrown Car Hire has office directly at the airport of Jerez de la Frontera. A rental car will easily take you to all destinations and sights worthwhile visiting in the surroundings of Jerez. Apart from the concert, you can enjoy the city of Jerez, the beautiful beaches of Cadiz, the national parks  and a much more. For more information on car rentals, fleet, offices and/or prices, please visit AurigaCrown´s website.

Monday, November 21, 2011

A retrospective by Alberto Giacometti at the Picasso Museum in Malaga

AurigaCrown Car Hire offers their clients ideas on different events and places to visit during their stay in Spain. Providing options for visits that are within easy reach with a rental car, nice routes, places to visit and from where to start. In this article some cultural tips when visiting Malaga and its surroundings.

The Picasso Museum presents Alberto Giacometti (Alberto y Annette Giacometti Foundation, Paris). ¨A Retrospective¨, an exhibition that shows the different stages of the artistic career of one of the most prominent artists of the past century. His work is key to understanding the development of avant-garde and the subsequent evolution of contemporary art, nevertheless, he is an unclassifiable author. This project challenges the reductionist view that has often been considered the work of this creator. The exhibition is available from October 27th until February 5th 2012 at the Picasso Museum in Malaga.

The Picasso museum in Malaga, the birthplace of the artist, was funded by the Junta de Andalusia with the support of Picasso´s heirs, and is the fulfilment of a lifelong dream of the artist. One of the world's many Picasso museums, it opened in 2003 in the Buenavista Palace, and has 155 works donated by members of Picasso's family, pieces that cover "all the creative periods of the artist's work", and include creations from his youth to those which he signed at the end of his life.

Picasso Museum902 44 33 77
Palacio de Buenavista San Agustín, 8

Admission Fee: Collection 6.00 €
Exhibition 4.50 €
Combined entrance 8.00 €
Advance purchase of tickets by phone: 902 36 02 95.

Opening hours:
Tuesdays -Thursdays, from 10:00 to 20:00.
Fridays - Saturdays, from 10:00 to 21:00.
Sundays and Holidays 10:00 - 20:00.
Alberto Giacometti exhibition: 27.10.-05.02.

Apart from this great exhibition there is of course much more to see and to do in and around Malaga. Cultural visits in Malaga, Marbella, Granada, Seville, or some days of relax on the beach, hikes in nature, all within easy reach with your rental car.

You can conveniently rent your car directly upon arrival at Malaga airport or next to Malaga trains station. For more information on our fleet, offices and/or prices, please visit AurigaCrown´s website.

Friday, November 18, 2011

The Russian Imperial Ballet with The Nutcracker in Jerez

AurigaCrown Car Hire offers their clients ideas on events and places to visit in Spain. Giving options for visits that are within easy reach with a rental car, nice routes, places to visit and from where to start. In this article some insights into The Russian Ballet presentation, Jerez and surroundings.

The Nutcracker is a fairy tale-ballet in two acts and three scenes, by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840-1893), composed in 1891-1892. It was originally choreographed by Marius Petipa and Lev Ivanov with a score by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. The libretto is adapted from E.T.A. Hoffmann's story "The Nutcracker and the Mouse King". It was given its première at the Mariinsky Theatre in St. Petersburg on Friday, December 18th, 1892. In Western countries, The Nutcracker has become perhaps the most popular of all ballets, mainly represented around Christmas.

In an old German town in the early nineteenth century on Christmas Eve, people prepare for the party. Among the guests invited to the Stalbaum´s house is a crazy old man, inventor of toys and a true friend of children, Drosselmeyer. The living room of the house is decorated for the holidays. Guests are arriving. Drosselmeyer arrives with gifts. Children come running in. They begin to play blind man's buff.

This is the first act of The Nutcracker, which will be interpreted by the Russian Imperial Ballet on 13 December at Jerez Villamarta Theatre. Tickets are priced between 18 and 30 € and can be purchased on the website of telentrada, phone 902 101 212 and the theater box office.

Teatro VillamartaPZ/ Pz.Romero Martínez S/N
11402 Jerez de la Frontera, Cadiz
Tel. 956 14 96 85
Fax. 956 14 90 60

Date: 13 december 2011
Time: 20:30
Tickets: 18-30 euros

Don´t miss this impressive presentation of the Russian Imperial Ballet! AurigaCrown Car Hire has office directly at the airport of Jerez de la Frontera. A rental car will easily take you to all destinations and sights worthwhile visiting in the surroundings of Jerez. Apart from the spectacular ballet, you can enjoy the city of Jerez, the beautiful beaches of Cadiz, the national parks  and a much more. For more information on car rentals, fleet, offices and/or prices, please visit AurigaCrown´s website.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Great Night of Blues - Tribute to Route 66 in Malaga

AurigaCrown Car Hire offers their clients ideas on different events and places to visit during their stay in Spain. Providing options for visits that are within easy reach with a rental car, nice routes, places to visit and from where to start. In this article some insights into the Great Night of Blues concert in Malaga and about the city and its surroundings.

Some of the most prominent bands of Malaga get together to perform a deserved tribute to Route 66, the jazz and blues club in Fuengirola which remained in frenetic activity between 1995 and 2002, and to Steve Themonk, the director and responsible for the success and popularity of the place which he ran brilliantly.

Route 66 was much more than just a club with live concerts. In those years, it was the shelter and promoter of genres hitherto neglected or avoided and consequently became a space for the consolidation of soloists and combos that went beyond the local scope. Route 66 made room for veterans like Richard Ray Farrell or the Lito Blues Band and to novices at that time as El trio del Saco and Mama Kin. All these and many more will meet for a memorable evening, a can't-miss for blues fans.

Tribute to Route 66: Lito Fernández, Richard Ray Farrel, Mama Kin, El Trío del Saco...When: Jueves 29 de diciembre
Time: 21:00
Where: Teatro Echegaray
Address: c/ Echegaray, 6 Malaga
Tel.: 952 22 41 00

Apart from the Great Night of Blues there is of course much more to enjoy in Malaga and surroundings. You can rent your car at AurigaCrown´s offices in Malaga next to the bus/train station or at the airport, and this way all nice places that surround Malaga are within easy reach. You can of course think of the beaches, the Jardines de la Concepción Gardens just outside Malaga, El Chorro and Sierra de las Nieves natural parks for beautiful hikes and other nice beach towns like Fuengirola and Marbella. Of course Malaga itself has a great cultural offer, museums (among other the Picasso Museum and birth house) and monuments.

For more information on car rentals, fleet, offices and/or prices, please visit AurigaCrown´s website.

Monday, November 14, 2011

IX Spanish Music Festival in Cadiz

AurigaCrown Car Hire offers their clients ideas on different events and places to visit during their stay in Spain. In this article some insights into Cadiz and the Spanish Music Festival.

The Spanish Music Festival in Cadiz celebrates its ninth birthday. Once again, during the second half of November, coinciding with the anniversary of the birth of Manuel de Falla in this city, composer par excellence, Cadiz will enjoy a great number of musical activities: concerts, workshops, exhibitions, publications, didactic concerts, discussion forums ... in short: during ten days the city becomes the reference centre for Spanish music, and as a natural extension, for Latin American music.

Run by the the Culture Board of the Regional Government of Andalusia, the festival has as its main basis the presence of the four institutional orchestras of Andalusia (Granada, Córdoba, Seville and Malaga), together with different orchestral ensembles, chamber groups and internationally recognized soloists, that work on the recuperation of the musical patrimony, the performance of new repertoires and the creation of new audiences.

Apart from the concerts, other activities cover a broad thematic ground, including workshops, professional meetings, courses and exhibitions, all of them with the common objective of turning the Spanish Music Festival of Cadiz into the annual meeting point around Spanish musical creativity.
The Spanish music festival is held from November 18th till 26th 2011, at the Gran Teatro Falla Cadiz. More information on programme, tickets and prices.

Do not miss this Market festival in Cadiz. AurigaCrown Car Hire has an office in La Línea de la Concepción (Cádiz), book your car with us, we have several models at the best prices and enjoy this event and much more the province of Cadiz has to offer!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Contemporary Ballet of San Martin Theatre in Seville

AurigaCrown Car Hire offers their clients ideas on different events and places to visit during their stay in Spain. In this article some insights into Seville and the performance of the Contemporary Ballet Company of San Martin´s Theatre.

After three decades as a stable company, the Contemporary Ballet of San Martin´s Theatre in Buenos Aires, has become a benchmark of current Latin American dance, which brings an added maturity and international excellence ratification.

The company was founded in 1977, its first director was the dancer and choreographer Ana Maria Stekelman who led the company as the Contemporary Dance Group of the General San Martin Teatro until 1988. Today, the Ballet, which toured extensively and collaborated with leading international choreographers, is undergoing a period of great splendour.

With choreography by Artistic Director Wainrot Mauritius, who has been permanent Guest Choreographer from the great Royal Ballet of Flanders (Belgium)-for which he created and soared eleven shows- international collaborator under the direction of Maurice Béjart and artistic director of Les Ballets Jazz de Montreal (Canada), the Contemporary Ballet of San Martin´s Theatre in Buenos Aires, composed of a stable body of about 30 dancers, presents on November 26th and 27th 2011 "The 8 Seasons", which premiered in Antwerp by the Royal Ballet of Flanders in 2001, a cyclical atmospheric trip to the natural rhythm of life, according to the famous musical version Antonio Vivaldi created and then recreated in turn, by the great Argentine composer Astor Piazzola.
Paseo de Cristóbal Colón, 22
Tel. 954 223 344

Apart from this amazing performance, there is of course plenty more to see in the beautiful city of Seville and surroundings. Nature reserves, cultural visits to nearby cities as Granada, Malaga and Cadiz, amusements parks and beaches are all within each reach with your rental car. Please check our website for more information on car rentals and prices.
Dates: November 26th an 27th 2011
Ticket prices:  from 21-35 EUR

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Temporary exhibition of Willi Baumeister (1889-1955) Paintings and drawings in Palma.

AurigaCrown Car Hire offers their clients ideas on different events and places to visit during their stay in Spain. In this article some insights into Palma de Mallorca and the temporary exhibition of Willi Baumeister´s paintings and drawings that can be seen in Palma until December 10th of this year.

This exhibition shows nearly 50 paintings and 25 drawings by Willi Baumeister (1889-1955), one of the most important figures of the avant-garde movements in Germany. The works date from 1910 to 1950 and  provide an overview of the creation of German artist and most come from the artist's legacy, kept in the Archiv Baumeister del Kunstmuseum Stuttgart.

Willi Baumeister is one of the German artists who had the courage and strength to safeguard the ideas and hopes of modernity against the political oppression of Nationalism and the bankruptcy the Second World War assumed; during post-war years he was able to set the foundations for the future development of visual arts. In line with modernity, Willi Baumeister embraced all forms of art: his work and teaching go beyond the classical fields of painting, drawing and graphic art, he specially masters decorative arts, typography and theatrical scenery. Willi Baumeister was not only a German artist, his influence, professional relationships and friendships transcended geographical borders and came from Germany to other countries such as Spain, Switzerland and Italy.

The exposition is available in Palma until December 10th 2011.
Museu Fundación Juan March, de Palma
Sant Miquel, 11 Palma de Mallorca

Visiting hours
Monday-Friday: 11:00 a. m. - 8:00 p.m.
Sunday and Holidays: Closed

Apart from the exposition, Mallorca has of course so much more sites to offer: the natural landscapes and their wonderful sights near Cap de Formentor, the beautiful beaches and calas and cities like Deia and Pollenca. The best and easiest way to explore the island of Mallorca is undoubtedly with a rental car. Please check our web for more information and quotations on car rentals.

Monday, November 7, 2011

The Golden Age, Israel Galván

AurigaCrown Car Hire offers their clients ideas on different events and places to visit during their stay in Spain. In this article some insights into Alicante and the flamenco dance performance of Israel Galván.

This month the city of Alicante receives a show presented by the National Dance Awarded Israel Galván.

This artist has performed at major European scenes and is considered one of the most innovative flamenco style artists. The show is called "The Golden Age", a very significant title, the brothers Alfredo Lago (guitar) and David (song) will accompany Israel Galván on this performance.

An impeccable job, talking about time and making the audience feel excited and dazzled.

Don´t miss The Golden Age with the recognized flamenco dancer Israel Galván on November 20th in Alicante at the Arniches Theatre.
Location: Arniches Theatre, Alicante.
Time: 19:00 hours
Date: November 20th 2011.
Ticket prices: 25 euros (box office).
Address: Avenida de Aguilera 1, Alicante.

AurigaCrown Car Hire has an office at Alicante airport. Book your car at our office or through our website and enjoy this exciting dance performance.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Artefactum in concert in Seville

AurigaCrown Car Hire offers their clients ideas on different events and places to visit during their stay in Spain. In this article some insights into Seville and the Artefactum concert.

Artefactum was created in 1995 with the intention to retrieve and disseminate the musical repertoire of the Middle Ages, since Artefactum has become one of the most representative groups within the panorama of medieval music.

They know that neither boredom nor the quasi-liturgical solemnity involved in the concerts are characteristic of medieval music, and that no bard or minstrel ever used a tuxedo, but they intent to return the freshness and spontaneity of the compositions to the medieval repertoire, without abandoning the rigour or the conquests of modern musicological research.

Artefactum is formed by Blasco Mariví Soprano / Sara Rosique Soprano / Francisco Orozco song and lute / Vicente Gavira song / Ignacio Gil flute, shawm, bagpipes / Vicente Parrilla flute / José Manuel Vaquero Organetto and hurdy-gurdy / Juan Manuel Rubio Violin, hurdy-gurdy and Gothic harp / Álvaro Garrido Percussion

On December 16th Artefactum presents Cita con las Musicas ¨Appointment with Music¨ in Seville:
Date: Friday 16/12/2011
Place: Centro Cultural Cajasol-Sala Joaquín Turina, Seville
Laraña 4, 41003 Old city centre (Seville)
Time: 21:00
Tickets: 15€

Presale: Red Ticketmaster (, 902 15 00 25, Fnac and Shops like Carrefour, Urende and associated shops), presale prices: From 10 to 15 €

Apart from the concert there is of course much more to enjoy in the beautiful city of Seville and surroundings. Nature reserves, cultural visits to nearby cities as Granada, Malaga and Cadiz, amusements parks and beaches are all within each reach with your rental car. Please check AurigaCrown´s website for more information on car rentals and prices.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Cirque du Soleil in Malaga!

AurigaCrown Car Hire offers their clients ideas on different events and places to visit during their stay in Spain. Providing options for visits that are within easy reach with a rental car, nice routes, places to visit and from where to start. In this article some insights into the new show of the Cirque du Soleil and about Malaga and surroundings.

The show presented by Cirque du Soleil on this occasion is called Joy. This is the third time the circus comes to Malaga. This time the site chosen for the presentation of Joy is the Martin Carpena Sports Palace.

Joy is presented as a carnival, whose main theme is the struggle to regain freedom and the abuse of power. A mixture of contortion, acrobatics, balancing acts, clowns, synchronized trapeze and juggling.

More than nine million people in over 50 cities in the world have enjoyed the Cirque du Soleil, now you can enjoy the show in the city of Malaga. 

53 artists from 17 nationalities form part of the presentation of Joy which will have a total of 11 numbers that consist of a mixture of jazz, tango, pop and klezmer, accompanied by musical instruments like the accordion.
Do not miss the classic Cirque du Soleil, Joy, internationally recognized and seen by more than 9 million people around the world.

Venue: Sports Palace J.M. Martin Carpena, Malaga.
Address: Calle Miguel de Mérida Nicolich, Málaga.
Date: From Thursday December 1st until Sunday December 4th 2011.
Time: 17:30
Ticket prices: € 30 / € 62.

Apart from the Cirque du Soleil there is of course much more to enjoy in Malaga and surroundings. You can rent your car at AurigaCrown´s offices in Malaga next to the bus/train station or at the airport, and this way all nice places that surround Malaga are within easy reach. You can of course think of the beaches, the Jardines de la Concepción Gardens just outside Malaga, El Chorro and Sierra de las Nieves natural parks for beautiful hikes and other nice beach towns like Fuengirola and Marbella.

Of course Malaga itself has a great cultural offer, museums (among other the Picasso Museum and birth house) and monuments.

For more information on car rentals, fleet, offices and/or prices, please visit AurigaCrown´s website.

Monday, October 31, 2011

The 12 Tenors in concert in Palma de Mallorca

AurigaCrown Car Hire offers their clients ideas on different events and places to visit during their stay in Spain. In this article some insights into Palma de Mallorca and the 12 tenors in concert here next December.

The show presented by The 12 Tenors is without a doubt one that will please all viewers, especially those who love classical music. Emerging as one of the best concerts of the year in Mallorca de Mallorca, not to be missed! Two spectacular performances on December 7th and 8th in the Auditorium Palma de Mallorca, a combination of classical music of our time and the talent of The 12 Tenors.

The 12 Tenors is composed of twelve tenors singing together songs ranging from operetta to pop and opera.

On this occasion they present song titles as Kalinka from the Russian Iwan Petrowitsch, Can Can from Jacques Offenbach, Volare from the Gypsy Kings, You Can Leave Your Hat On from Joe Cockers and Libiamo from Giuseppe Verdi.

The blend of the classical style yet timeless with modern music, is without a doubt perfect for all audiences.

The 12 Tenors have worldwide fame as they present themselves not only as opera singers, but they break all stereotypes of singing, offering a show suitable for all ages.

Operetta, jazz, opera, pop and swing, classical music with a modern style are part of the programme of The 12 Tenors , who enjoy great fame in countries like Japan, Germany and China.

On Palma de Mallorca they will perform December 7th and 8th.
Time: at 21:00
Tickets: from € 43.32 to 48.49
Location: Sala Magna del Auditorium Palma de Mallorca, Paseo Maritimo 18.

AurigaCrown Car Hire recommends you this concert. To improve your stay in Palma de Mallorca  book your car with us, and all important sites and places to visit on Mallorca will be within easy reach: think of the natural landscapes and their wonderful sights near Cap de Formentor, the beautiful beaches and calas and cities like Deia and Pollenca.

You can find more information on car rentals, fleet and prices on our website. The office is located at the airport of Palma.

Friday, October 28, 2011

German cantatas presented by Opera Piccola in Almeria

AurigaCrown Car Hire offers their clients ideas on different events and places to visit during their stay in Spain. In this article some insights into the Opera Piccola this November in Almería and about the city and its surroundings.

During the time of Johan Sebastian Bach, Telemann and Händel were considered as the most important living composers, Telemann in particular, he has been of great influence through his works, among which are four complete annual cycles of cantatas.

The extensive production of Telemann consists of about a thousand pieces. The secular cantatas of Bach were called dramma per music, sometimes he also used parts of the same music to elaborate sacred texts. Among his best works we can cite "The Coffee Cantata" a clear example of the light music of Bach.

When Händel got appointed master of the chapel of Hanover he asked for a license to travel to London, an occasion on which he got introduced to Queen Anne. Immediately they ordered him to compose an opera, Rinaldo , which was completed in just 14 days and presented on stage in 1711. Once he had returned to Hannover he decided to write his concerts for oboe, lieder, flute sonatas and German cantatas with the poems of Brakes.

The cantatas and music to be sung is one of the most important genres of sacred German Baroque. On this occasion the Opera Piccola will offer works of the three greatest exponents Telemann, J.S. Bach and Händel.

At the Teatro Rafael Alberti   you can enjoy the German Cantatas from the Opera Piccola. The opera Piccola offers a fantastic range of cantatas.

The lyrical recital will be presented by the soprano Patricia Paz, Guillermo Martón playing the viola da gamba, Ana López Suero the flute, and Jordan Fumadó the harpsichord.

Do not miss this performance with the great works by Telemann, Bach and Händel.

Date: November 4
Location: Teatro Rafael Alberti de Huercal-Overa.
Tickets: 4 and 6 euros (ticketmaster)
Time: 20:30 to 22:00.

Further, the city of Almeria offers of course a lot more to the visitor: there is beautiful nature to enjoy at the Cabo de Gata Natural Park, an excellent place for a relaxed holiday, to enjoy the sea life, nature, beaches and – of course - fresh fish cuisine.

You can conveniently rent your car directly upon arrival at AurigaCrown´s office at Almería airport. With your rental car you can easily get to all different sights and towns. For more information on rental cars, fleet and prices, please visit AurigaCrown´s website.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Dance performance Quiet at the Teatro de la Maestranza in Seville

AurigaCrown Car Hire offers their clients ideas on different events and places to visit during their stay in Spain. In this article some insights into the dance performance Quiet held during the Month of the Dance in Seville.

Arkady Zaides (1979) is a Russian choreographer who has been living in Israel since 1990, with his show Quiet he will open the eighteenth edition of the Month of the Dance organized by Trans-Forma Cultural Production.

Arkadi received the Rosenblum award in 2010, awarded for encouraging excellence in arts. Now the choreographer will be presenting his show Quiet in the city of Seville on November 2nd and 3rd, 2011. With this piece of work he wants to create areas of reflection that rises above the violence that is growing every day in many communities in Israel.

The four characters of the show, embody the different positions of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and that will unfold in both compassion and aggression, longing and confusion, and finally finding peace.

Quiet is a piece of work that promotes open and honest communication, in which the controversial feelings are explored with great courage. Through this dance performance the viewer will get to understand what it means to live under continuous stress.

Do not miss Quiet at the Teatro de la Maestranza, presented by the Russian choreographer Arkadi Zaides.

AurigaCrown Car Hire has an office at the airport and in the city of Seville, book your car at our office or through our website.
Address: Teatro de la Maestranza, Plaza de Cristóbal Colon 22 (Centro)
Sala: Manuel Garcia. Seville.
Time: 20:30.
Genre: Contemporary dance.
Ticket prices: € 13
Date: November 2nd and 3rd.
Sale: Generaltickets
Author: Arkadi Zaides
Director: Arkadi Zaides
Company: Cia. Arkadi Zaides (Israel).

Apart from the performance there is of course much more to enjoy in the beautiful city of Seville and surroundings. Nature reserves, cultural visits to nearby cities as Granada, Malaga and Cadiz, amusements parks and beaches are all within each reach with your rental car. Please check our website for more information on car rentals and prices.